THE team

PT - EN - FR - ES
Pedro Correia
Pedro Correia is the founder and CEO of Beyond Sport Events. He is graduated in Management and Business Administration and holds a Master of Science in Marketing and Strategic Management. He has been working in the sport and event industry for over 20 years. Since 2018 he has been working as a sport and events consultant for organizations like FIFA, UEFA, AFC, CAF, FIBA, different federations, leagues and other entities like academic institutions. As CEO of BSE he coordinates the different projects and engages the international consultants in order to provide the best possible service to the clients.
He has taken wide top managerial responsibilities on planning and implementation of Mega Sport Events namely in the European Football Championships and other UEFA competitions. In addition, he has worked in a range of other sport events, notably on a Rugby World Cup, 4 FIFA World Cups and the IOC Summer Olympics. He was appointed Tournament Director for the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar with a large focus on early stages planning and budgeting to prepare and deliver an integrated Tournament Operational Master Plan. In Portugal, he became the Secretary General of the Football League with a mandate to modernise and professionalise the organisation.
Pedro has spent 23 years working internationally, managing and motivating large multi-cultural teams towards successful deliveries being responsible for budgets over USD150 million. He has built a wide professional network and has participated in a variety of consultancy projects, they range from strategic management to governance and operations, financial management, project and risk management, competition management and club licensing programmes, mega sport events planning and delivery, setting up of local organising committees and operational readiness programmes amongst other projects. He combines a strong set of planning and implementation skills. Pedro has introduced an Operational Readiness and Event Training Programme in UEFA back in 2006. Since then, these exercises have been implemented in different football mega sport events, in the Portuguese Football League and delivered in a series of different academic institutional programmes.